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they believed that there 13 heavens and 9 hells. the sun fought darkness every night and rose to save mankind. they believed the earth was flat. submitted by Tanya.

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Q: What were the Aztecs beliefs on creation?
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Did Aztecs have storytelling?

The Aztecs had beliefs but not storytelling.

Why did Aztecs have to have religions and beliefs?

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Who is credited with the first creation of chocolate?

It was probaly the Aztecs of Mexico.

What are the accomplishments of the Aztecs?

The Aztecs did metalworking, weaving, built a transportation stystem, they found a perfect city that fitted their beliefs

Did the Aztecs have a religion what were some of their beliefs?

their religion was to belive in the gods

What are Aztecs?

The Aztecs are a tribe in Mexico, who supposably found the cocoa bean and made chcocolate. They had different beliefs and they made large temples. Their decedents are the Mexicans.DO YOU MEAN AZtecs

Who were the Toltecs?

However, they shared common gods and religious beliefs with the Aztecs.

How does the stone sun calendar reflect beliefs of the Aztec people?

The stone sun calendar, known as the Aztec Calendar Stone or Sun Stone, reflects the Aztec people's beliefs in cyclical time, the significance of the sun in their cosmology, and the need for sacrifices to ensure the sun's continued rise. Its intricate carvings depict the Aztec worldview, including the intertwining of religious, political, and astronomical elements in their society.

Are Aztecs a primal religion?

yes. they existed before the creation of fixed societies.

What are some facts about the Toltecs?

They shared common gods and religious beliefs with the Aztecs.

Which of the following statements about the Toltec are true?

they shared common gods and religious beliefs with the aztecs

What were the religious beliefs of both groups And Which group tried to convert the other one to their religion?

The spanish were christian, and the Aztecs were Mexicayotal. The spanish tried to convert the Aztecs.