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The Ten Plagues in Exodus were:1-The Nile River was turned into blood,2- Frogs were all across the land,3- there was lice,4-The flies swormed,5- All livestock died,6- Boils,7- Hail storms,8- Locust infestation,9- Darkness was across the land,10- 1st born of Egyptians dies!

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Q: What were the 10 plauges?
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When did the ten plagues occur?

The plauges were sent in 1809

What were the ten plauges in exodus?

The 10 plagues in the order that they appear: water becomes blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock diseased, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, death of the first born.

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That episode wasn't based off a movie.

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it showed gods power by, showing that he kept to his word until the Jews were set free.

How many plauges were there?

There were 10 plagues during the time of Moses and Ramses the Second. 1. Blood 2. Frogs 3. Gnats, Lice 4. Flies 5. Diseased Livestock 6. Boils 7. Thunder and Hail 8. Locust 9. Darkness 10. Death of the first born

Is it possible to be morally evil and yet be clinically sane?

I would say yes. I think if satin came back from the dead, the seven plauges would be retold and would happen again.

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I'm guessing you want the translation of "plagas en la planta" so... the translation into English would be "plauges in the plant". I hope that answers your question.

When is God going to take us home?

God is going to take us home whenever he feels it's the right time. If you read the bible, a bunch of plauges will happen then God will come bring the people home who beilieve in there hearts that He is real.

What Bible stories take place in Egypt?

There is several: Moses, he brought the Israelites out of Egypt by 10 plauges fro m the power of the almighty God, after 40 years in te dessert. Joseph, he was sold into slavery by his brothers, but came to a high plave, second to Pharaoh in Egypt, and saved the land from everyone dying in a famine. There was alsoa part of Isaac's life in Egyot, and a part of Abraham's life too. There are more, but these are the basics.

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The same problem that plauges most older Fords. There s a shift advance lever of of the throtle that connect to the transmision. Eith it is stuck or it poped off. Put back on and push it forward on the transmission

What are the ten plauges?

1) All the water turns into blood 2)Frogs all around 3)Dust turns into gnats 4)Big flies swarmed all around 5)The Egyptians animals died 6)Bad sores on people and animals 7)Thunder and hail came to Egypt 8)A large swarm of locust 9)Complete darkness 10)The first born/youngest one in a house will die for both animals and humans.

How did Egypt anger God?

because the king of egypt would not let moses and his people go free they were being kept as slaves so he brought many plauges upon the Egyptians until he finally let them go then there was the whole thing with parting the red sea. Just look it up online its pretty common knowledge.