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The Crusades.

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Q: What were military expeditions organized by the pope called?
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When was John Pope - military officer - born?

John Pope - military officer - was born on 1822-03-16.

When did John Pope - military officer - die?

John Pope - military officer - died on 1892-09-23.

What pope disbanded the pontifical military corps?

Pope Paul VI

What was the name of the pope who organized large numbers of chants?

Pope St. Gregory I, 'The Great,' and cataloged the Gregorian Chants.

Which pope was called the warrior pope?

His Holiness Pope Julius II was called the "Warrior Pope".

Who supported the crusades?

Pope Urban II organized the first Crusade.

What is the new pope called?

The latest pope (March 2013) is called Pope Francis.

What was a goal of the first crusade?

The goal was to recapture the Holy Land (Palestine) from the Seldjuk Turks. The Turks had defeated the Byzantines in 1071, and took Jerusalem. They persecuted the Chistians. So, the Crusades were military expeditions fought by the Europeans to win back the Holy Land. The First Crusade was called by the Pope (Urban II). The Crusades successfully captured Jerusalem in 1099 and massacred its inhabitants.

What has the author EW Pope written?

E.W Pope has written: 'A practical guide to the study of military law' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Military law

Who was the pope who initiated the crusades?

Pope Urban II called for the First Crusade.

What was the pope called when he spoke on the First Crusade called?

Pope Urban II

What is the pope of Hindu called?

pope in Hinduism is called poojari or shankaracharya. Shankaracharya is just a position like pope and not a name.