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Q: What were John Wesley's challenges?
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John Isherwood has written: 'William Seward and the Wesleys'

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John Kirk has written: 'Britain's drawbacks' 'The mother of the Wesleys'

What has the author John Wesley Funston written?

John Wesley Funston has written: 'The Wesleys in picture and story'

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What is paul wesleys background?

He's Polish

What is paul wesleys height?

5'11, about 120.

What is the plural form of wesley?

Wesleys is the plural of Wesley

What has the author Paul F Douglass written?

Paul F. Douglass has written: 'Wesleys at Oxford'

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Did king john overcome his challenges?

he had will and never gave up

Who did john Adams face challenges as president?

Thomas Jefferson

What were some of the biggest challenges to Pope John?

There have been 23 popes named John. Please specify one of them.