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his disciples

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Q: What were Jesus' friends called?
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Where in the bible is the phrase Jesus is your friend?

The phrase "Jesus is your friend" is not in the Bible. Jesus called the apostles his friends in John 15:15 No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.

What do we call Jesus's friends when they follow him around?

We called the 12 men as disciples.

Who where Jesus Christ's friends?

Jesus friends were his followers and his disciple's.

What did Jesus friends call him?

They called Him Rabbi, which means teacher in Hebrew.

Did Jesus have friend?

jesus had many friends, his 12 disciples were his friends

Who were the friends of Jesus?

jesus had many friends mainly his disciples but he also had family friends that he would hand around with.

Who are the 2 friends of Jesus?

Off hand, I would say that of the twelve disciples, John and Peter were His two closest friends. John, in his gospel called himself "the disciple whom Jesus loved". Peter was the one who after he had denied Jesus three times, was asked by Jesus: "Peter do you love me?" three times.

Who are the best friends of jesus?

Anyone who followed and follows him.God Bless You. Jesus's friends were Isac and John

Are Catholic Priests called apostles?

No Catholic priests are not called as Apostles. There were only 12 Apostles which Jesus chose to be with and called them friends. These Apostles used to be with Jesus and had witnessed most of His miracles.

Who are the friends of Jesus?


How did Jesus see the faith of the paralytic and his friends?

Jesus isnt real

Was Jesus and Herod friends?

Considering, that Herod is the evil King who wanted Baby Jesus killed, it is then unlikely that they could have been friends.