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Its charity. So no point keeping any record of it.

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According to my research about less than 2.5 percent.

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6y ago

Christians can give financially, they can volunteer to help, they can donate goods.

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Q: What ways do christians give to charity?
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Did Christians give charity?


Why would Christians give charity?

because they like to be the one's to help not hurt other people

Which religion is expected to give 10 percent of there earnings to charity?

Christians tithe 10 percent to God to grow his kingdom here by giving to church or Christian missionary efforts, and then give more of their money past the 10% to charity.

What are three ways to get rid of a camera?

Sell it on eBay, donate it to charity, or give it to your friend or relative

What do Christians teach about charity?

The Scriptures teach us that we are to help those in need, even if it means we have to make a tremendous sacrifice to do it. God will honor your giving especially if you do it without others knowing. It also notes little is much. For example, if you give a million coins boastfully, giving one of those joyfully and with your heart in it is more.

Do Christians have to gine to charity?

Assuming Gine = Give Nothing at all. It never once says that it is a requirement. But much appreciated and something that would bestow a blessing on another. "More Blessed to Give then receive"

Give away goods as a charity 50 dollar?

give away goods as a charity

What do Christians think about charities?

Charity can roughly be exchanged with the word 'works' in the new testament. The Bible says that "Faith without Works is dead", meaning that it is meaningless to believe in God but not act on it. Christians are expected to give to the poor, visit the sick, and perform all manner of social services in the name of God; it is impossible to be a Christian without acts of charity, though they need not necessarily involve a recognized charity organization such as Red Cross.

Do Sikhs give their time money or both to there charity?

None, they only give banana's to charity ;)

Did Taylor Lautner give to charity?

Yes taylor lautner does give to charity. Becoz he cares for others

What do you give freely?

You give your charity freely.

How is charity collected and distributed?

when we give charity to others we get the double of it because charity is such thing that can be given and be collected.