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Uzziah: King of Judah, son and successor of Amaziah. He rebuilt Elath, port on the Gulf of Aqaba. He was stricken with leprosy after usurping the duties of high priest. He was succeeded by Jotham.

William F. Albright has dated his reign to 783 BC-742 BC, while E. R. Thiele offers the dates 767 BC-740 BC.

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15y ago

Do you mean Uzziah? He was a king of Judah.

Uzzah was an Israelite. It is recorded in scripture (1 Chronicles 13:11 and 2 Samuel 6:7) that the Israelites were not transporting the Ark in the commanded manner (see Exodus 25:14). When Ark of the Covenant seemed in danger of falling, Uzzah reached out his hand and touched the Ark. This was in violation of the commandment against touching holy things (Numbers 4:15). For this transgression, Uzzah was struck dead.

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11y ago

Uzziah is also known as Azariah was the son of Amaziah. He became the eleventh and most successful king of the ancient kingdom of Judah when only 16 years old. His reign lasted for 52 years.

His name means Jehovah is strength., he was a superb organiser, intelligent military tactician, able to conceive and construct weapons becoming famous for these inventions.

On his death instead of being buried in the sepulcher of Kings in Jerusalem he was buried in a field outside of the city. This was because he was a leper and therefore 'unclean'.

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Uzziah means Jehova is strength.

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No, Uzzah was not a Levite. He was an Israelite from the tribe of Judah.

Who died when he touched the Ark of the Covenant?

The man who died for touching the Ark of the Covenant was named Uzzah.2 Samuel 6:6, 7 - And when they came to Nachon's threshing floor, Uzzah put out his hand to the ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen stumbled. Then the anger of the Lord was aroused against Uzzah, and God struck him there for his error; and he died there by the ark of God. [NKJV]

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God struck him down because he touched the arc of the covenant which was some the Israelites were forbidden to do under any circumstances.

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2 Samuel 6:8 Then David was angry because the LORD's wrath had broken out against Uzzah, and to this day that place is called Perez Uzzah.9 David was afraid of the LORD that day and said, "How can the ark of the LORD ever come to me?" 10 He was not willing to take the ark of the LORD to be with him in the City of David. Instead, he took it aside to the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite. 11 The ark of the LORD remained in the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite for three months, and the LORD blessed him and his entire household.

Who died in Bible at hand of God?

Uzzah died at God's hand for irreverently touching the ark. Earlier, in Moses' time Korah and his family were swallowed by the earth in an earthquake as God's punishment for their rebellion.

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Uzzah died for touching the ark because he violated the Lord's command by touching it. The ark was considered holy and only designated priests were allowed to handle it. Uzzah's action showed a lack of reverence and respect for the sacredness of the ark.

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