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The Exodus. The Exodus is something for which we Jews remain eternally grateful to God. It is one of the reasons given for our observance of God's commands.1) It was the fulfillment of one of God's promises to Abraham (see Genesis ch.15).

2) It demonstrated God's involvement in this world and in the workings of history.

3) It showed that God's covenant with the Forefathers was still in effect.

4) It was the main preparation for the Giving of the Torah at Sinai several weeks later.

5) It made the Israelites into a distinct nation.

6) In the Exodus, God did miracles for which we remain grateful to this day.

See also the Related Links.

Link: Archaeology and the Hebrew Bible

Link: Timeline

Link: The Exodus

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14y ago

The journey out of Egypt is called the Exodus, like the book of The Bible.

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14y ago

is called journey to promise land.or exile.

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10y ago

The Exodus or Yetsi'at mi-Mitzrayim (יציאת ממצרים)

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12y ago

The Exodus. In Hebrew, it's Yetsiat Mitsrayim.

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6y ago

In English it's called "The Exodus" or "The Exodus from Egypt"In Hebrew it's called Yetsiat mi-Mitsrayim (יציאת ממצרים)

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The Exodus from Egypt.

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