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Q: What was the tool Romans used to kill Jesus?
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Who had Pontious Pialate kill Jesus?

The Romans didn't have a problem with Jesus, the Jewish leaders did. Feeling threatened by Jesus's power over the Jewish people and His obvious gift of healing, they used their considerable influence to have the Romans kill Him. Pontis Pilate wanted nothing to do with the crucifixtion, which is why he symbolically 'washed his hands' of the entire affair.

What plumbing was used in the time of jesus?

They used lead pipes , which the Romans used in Rome.

What size hammer was used to crucify Jesus?

There was no hammer used to crucify Jesus. The Romans used a whip with bone and metal bearings, though.

Who invented the shot put?

the people in Scotland they used it to kill Romans

What was a strigil in roman times?

The stirigil was a scraping tool. It could be likened to our washcloths. The ancients Romans used oil in place of soap and they scraped the oil (and dirt) off with the strigil.The stirigil was a scraping tool. It could be likened to our washcloths. The ancients Romans used oil in place of soap and they scraped the oil (and dirt) off with the strigil.The stirigil was a scraping tool. It could be likened to our washcloths. The ancients Romans used oil in place of soap and they scraped the oil (and dirt) off with the strigil.The stirigil was a scraping tool. It could be likened to our washcloths. The ancients Romans used oil in place of soap and they scraped the oil (and dirt) off with the strigil.The stirigil was a scraping tool. It could be likened to our washcloths. The ancients Romans used oil in place of soap and they scraped the oil (and dirt) off with the strigil.The stirigil was a scraping tool. It could be likened to our washcloths. The ancients Romans used oil in place of soap and they scraped the oil (and dirt) off with the strigil.The stirigil was a scraping tool. It could be likened to our washcloths. The ancients Romans used oil in place of soap and they scraped the oil (and dirt) off with the strigil.The stirigil was a scraping tool. It could be likened to our washcloths. The ancients Romans used oil in place of soap and they scraped the oil (and dirt) off with the strigil.The stirigil was a scraping tool. It could be likened to our washcloths. The ancients Romans used oil in place of soap and they scraped the oil (and dirt) off with the strigil.

When is the crucifix used?

it was used by Romans to kill criminals like way back in the biblical days

What tool did Satan use to lead Jesus away from God's Will?

an ax was used

Who crusified jesus?

Jesus was crucified by the Romans, specifically under the orders of Pontius Pilate, who was the Roman governor of Judea at that time. It was a common method of execution used by the Romans for criminals and political agitators.

What is an anagram for the word steel?

sleet = anagram for stele ( a tool used by the Romans to scrape the skin when bathing)

What tools are used to kill crocodiles?

the e tool used bye green berret (*ber*ray*)

What the purpose of guns?

To kill people, or to be traded or used as a intimidation tool. Or of course to hunt.

What Roman tool is used to scrape oil and dirt off the body?

A 'strigil' or strigilis in Latin is a tool used by ancient Romans to scrape oil and dirt off of the body, generally in the baths after being anointed with oil.