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In a nutshell: Henry formed his own Church, the Church of England, and declared himself the head. He then granted himself a divorce. The pope then excommunicated Henry.

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Q: What was the result of the pope's refusal to grant King Henry VIII an annulment?
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How did Henry leave the Catholic religion?

Henry left the Roman Catholic Church when the Pope refused to grant him an annulment from one of his marriages.

Was granting Henry VIII an annulment an action taken by the Catholic Church?

.Catholic AnswerCertainly not, because he was not eligible for an annulment, the Pope did not grant him one, so Henry VIII took his entire country into heresy to satisfy himself.

What was the name of pope that divorced Henry?

The pope refused to grant Henry an annulment or divorce. Henry VIII then decided to split with the Church and became the head ('pope?') of the Anglican Church and granted himself a divorce.

Why the Henry VIII want parliament to dissolve England's ties to the catholic church?

Pope Clement VII refused to grant Henry an annulment of his marriage.Henry wanted a male heir.Henry wanted a different wife.Catholic AnswerIt started out for purely political reasons, as mentioned above. The Pope ruled that the King was validly married to Catherine of Aagorn and could not get an annulment (a decree that no valid marriage ever existed) and Henry wanted to marry again to get a male heir, he already had a daughter. So Henry made parliament the "head" of the "church" in England so that they could grant him an annulment.

Did England's separation from the Roman Catholic Church occur for political or religious reasons?

It was political: The Pope refused to grant an annulment to King Henry VIII.

What religion did an English king invent?

King Henry VIII of England did not invent a new religion, but he introduced the Church of England or Anglicanism as a separate entity from the Roman Catholic Church. This occurred as a result of his desire for an annulment to his marriage, which the Pope refused to grant.

If you file charges against your husband for bigamy can the same court grant you an annulment?

If you file charges against your husband for bigamy charges, then the same court will grant you a annulment.

Was the diplomatic situation the main reason for Henry's failure to attain an annulment of his marriage to Catherine by 1529?

It was definitely a contributing factor mainly as in 1527 Charles V (Catherine of Aragon's nephew) imprisoned the Pope and as the Pope was the only person able to grant an annulment it was prevented due to Charles V.

What effect did the Act of Conditional Restraints of Annates have on the church in 1532?

The Act in conditional restraint of Annates had two man clauses 1) restrict payment of annates to 5% 2) allow the Monarch to consecrate bishops of England without papal authority restricting the payment of annates was not carried out in 1532 but was used as a threat by Henry to the Pope to grant him his annulment, as part of his twin track strategy (this was to blackmail Pope Clement VII into granting the annulment, or failing that to prepare to break with the Catholic Church altogether. By allowing Henry to consecrate the bishops of England - Henry could ensure that all his friends ended up in high places, and so if a break with Rome did go ahead, Henry could use his own bishops to grant the annulment

When was Henry Grant born?

Henry Grant was born in 1907.

When did Henry Grant die?

Henry Grant died in 2004.

What was the argument between Henry and the church?

The argument between Henry VIII and the Church centered on Henry's desire to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. The Church, specifically the Pope, refused to grant the annulment, leading Henry to break away from the Catholic Church and establish the Church of England with himself at its head. This event ultimately led to the English Reformation.