The Kongo people are one of the most religious in the world. According to new discoveries made by Nzil’Alowa, a modern academy of African traditional spirituality, the kongo religion, or Bukôgno, was of a monotheistic nature. This religion was in fact an exact science. This scientific nature of Bukôngo can be proven thanks to the kemetic cosmological argument. In fact the Bukôngo is the continuity of the religion of ancient Egypt, which can also be demonstrated to be an exact science. Of today, Bukôngo is the only religion in the world endowed with a natural systematic theology.
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the death
Slave trade and european goods that Kongo desired were two economic effects of the interaction between Kongo and Portugal.
because the french used to rule over kongo.
Probably the ancient Egyptian religion.
The Congo river was givin the name after the Ancient Kingdom of Kongo.
They were true to the ancient people who knew them as a religion.
they had their own religion. i guess you could call it ancient egyptian. most people just call their polytheistic religion by their gods names, or say "the egyptian gods"
The Kongo people likes soccer. They like to visit their relatives, sing, dance, go to the theater,and socialize. Also, they've listened and told stories.
You learn about that when you learn about them. There wasn't one overlaying religion then, and there isn't one now.
religion in ancient civilization could be accurate but if there was a way to find out more people would have tried a long time ago.
they studied Christianity after they were conquered