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Jesus washed the disciples' feet in order to show them an example of humility and discipline. He wanted them to realize that these sort of tasks are necessary, and it should not be a disgrace to perform them. Additionally, he wanted to show his respect for them.

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14y ago
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14y ago

There could be alot of debate on this question. But alot of people think it is to show that like it states in The Bible, that he is human, so he is also a servant to others. The bible teaches that jesus came to serve. It is considered at a symbol of Jesus in some cultures.

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14y ago

In ancient Israel, many ordinary people would have gone about their daily business barefoot. Footwear, for those who did use it, consisted of sandals, which were little more than a sole strapped to the foot and ankle. Since roads and fields were dusty or muddy, people's feet would inevitably get dirty.

It was the custom, therefore, for a person to remove his sandals upon entering a home. Hospitality required that a guest's feet be washed. This task would be performed either by the householder or by a servant. The Bible contains a number of references to this common practice. For example, Abraham said to visitors to his tent: "Let a little water be taken, please, and you must have your feet washed. Then recline under the tree. And let me get a piece of bread, and refresh your hearts."-Genesis 18:4, 5; 24:32; 1 Samuel 25:41; Luke 7:37, 38, 44.

This background information throws light on Jesus' washing of his disciples' feet during his last Passover with them. On that occasion, there was no householder or servant to perform this service, and evidently none of the disciples volunteered to do it. So by taking a basin of water and a towel to wash and dry his apostles' feet, Jesus gave those men a lesson in love and humility.-John 13:5-17.

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13y ago

Washing of the feet is considered an honor and an act of service. So it was done as an example of loving service to humanity.

AnswerIn addition to the above, the washing of the feet was, in those days, a demeaning job reserved for the lowest slave in the household. The washing of the disciples' feet by Jesus served two purposes. First, as the above states, it was an act of love and a service to the disciples.

But second, and more importantly, it was Jesus' response to the disciples' squabbling. On several occasions Jesus had to take them to task because they were arguing over who was the most 'important' disciple. They called Jesus Lord and master. So by his humble washing of their feet, he demonstrated that even their Lord and Master is a servant to all and so this is how they should behave by following his example. His final command after this incident was that when he had gone, the disciples were to love one another 'for by this love', he says' others will know that you are my disciples'. And only by serving each other could this love really be manifest.

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8y ago

In the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke), Jesus celebrated the Jewish Passover with a feast on the evening before his crucifixion. This became known as the Last Supper. The author of John's Gospel decided to move events so that Jesus was crucified on the day of preparation for the Passover, which meant that a ritual meal on the previous evening would no longer be appropriate. He resolved this by inserting the story of Jesus ritually washing the feet of his disciples.

In modern tradition, the ritual of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples shows his humility.

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13y ago

Jesus washed his disciple's feet to prove to them that you need to learn to be a servant before you lead. He was showing that humility means nothing on Earth because no human has a right to judge each other.

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12y ago

The disciples had asked him about who among them was greatest. Jesus claimed something along the lines that the one who serves is the greatest. He then proceeded to wash their feet. Like most of what Jesus taught, this isn't any thing groundbreaking or all too terribly original.

The Buddha, for instance, said, "Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity."

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14y ago

it was as if he was getting his sins washed away

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Use eyedrops for dry eye.

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AnswerJesus washed His disciple's feet.

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