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After Daniel interpreted King Nebuchadnezzar's dream he put in high position making him ruler of the whole province of Babylon and put Daniel in charge of all the wise men. King Nebuchadnezzar also gave him many gifts.

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9y ago

The did not have first and last names like we do now. However the "full name" back then would be some like this :

" Daniel, Son of Morg" or "Daniel, from the house of Morg"

Later in history we started to drop the "son of" of "from the house of" and just kept the name as out "last name".

So the prophet Daniel's full name is just Daniel. :-)

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12y ago
A:The Book of Daniel tells us that Daniel was taken as a young man from Jerusalem to Babylon, where he quickly became the second most important person in the entire Babylonian Empire: (Daniel 2:48) "Then the king made Daniel a great man, and gave him many great gifts, and made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon, and chief of the governors over all the wise men of Babylon. "

Suspiciously, King Nebuchadnezzar's son and successor, Belshazzar, had never heard of Daniel. Because of this, Daniel was given the opportunity to rebuke Belshazzar and describe the greatness of the Jewish God. Even more suspiciously, when the Persian king overthrew Belshazzar and occupied Babylon, he promptly made Daniel chief president over the whole Persian kingdom.

Scholars have long pointed out historical errors in the Book of Daniel, and Leonard J Greenspoon (The Oxford History of the Biblical World, Between Alexandria and Antioch: Jews and Judaism in the Hellenistic Period) describes the book as a Jewish novel. There is no mention in the Babylonian or Persian records of a Jew who rose to high rank, and Daniel is otherwise unknown so must therefore be regarded as simply a character in the Book of Daniel.

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