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well think of it this way

if it was you and you were bon august 27th

before you were born

it would be someone elses b-day

so xmas was some elses b-day

xmas would be nothing

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15y ago
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11y ago

The Pax Romana was the period before christ.

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15y ago

The rise of the Roman Empire was the period just before the time of Christ.

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12y ago

Historically, Jesus was born between 7 BC and 2 BC, so the year prior would be 8 BC to 3 BC.

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9y ago

Time before Christ is referred to as "B.C." (Before Christ) or, in the more modern parlance, "B.C.E." (Before the Common Era).

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9y ago

There was never a time before God. God was not born, but has always existed and always will exist.

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11y ago

BC or before Christ.

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Starting the pill before your period may delay your period, but you may also have breakthrough bleeding during the first three cycles. If starting the pill before your period, use a back up birth control method for the first seven days.

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It varies by person. But I've done this before and you will probably just have a really light period (i.e. spotting).

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