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Since Matthew's Gospel was written in Greek, we should look at the original Greek version in order to undestand the author's intentions. The word used in Greek is magoi (Latin: magi). The magi were well known in the ancient Near East as the tribe that provided the priests for the Zoroastrian religion of the Persians. The author of Matthew knew that the Zoroastrians expected that one day the Saoshyant would return, born of a virgin. By having the magi come to worship the baby Jesus, the author was tying the virgin birth of Jesus into the virgin birth of the Saoshyant and telling his readers that even the priests of this great religion would want to worship Jesus. As the Zoroastrian relationship became less important in later Christianity, the word was generally translated into other languages as 'wise men'.

The Gospel does not actually say how many 'wise men' came, but it does say that they were Zoroastrian priests.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Matthew's Gospel actually refers to magi, who were priests of the Persian, Zoroastrian god, Ahura Mazda, and believed that one day the Saoyshant would return, born of a virgin mother. By having the magi want to visit Jesus, the author of Matthew demonstrated that even the priests of this great religion would come to worship Jesus. In time, the Zoroastrian connection became less important, and the magi began to be referred to as 'wise men' rather than as priests, and this is the translation used in most English Bibles today.

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13y ago

Matthew's Gospel said that magi visited Jesus, rather than either wise men or kings. This word actually meant the priests of the Zoroastrian god, Ahura Mazda ("Wise Lord"). Matthew was portraying the priests of this great religion as regarding the birth of a Jewish Messiah as a momentous event. By having them wish to worship him, Matthew was probably demonstrating that Jesus had dominion over even the Zoroastrians.

In later centuries, the Zoroastrian connection became less important and the terms "wise men" or then "kings" tend to be used in English translations.

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14y ago

the three wise men worked for king herod and were to tell herod where Jesus was. Herod wanted to kill jesus, but the wise men didn't tell were Jesus was

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14y ago

The three wisemen were said to be astrologers, as they haad enquired where is he the king of the Jews , when they reached Herods paqlace.

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