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There were two separate incidents. In Joshua ch.2, the names of the two spies whom Joshua sent are not given, but our tradition informs us that they were Pinchas (Phineas) and Caleb (whose names also occur in the Pentateuch).

In the book of Numbers (ch.13), the names of the twelve spies whom Moses sent are given:

Shamua ben Zacur

Shaphat ben Hori

Caleb ben Yephuneh

Yigal ben Yoseph

Hoshea bin Nun (who is identical with Joshua)

Palti ben Rafu

Gadiel ben Sodi

Gadi ben Susi

Amiel ben Gemali

Setur ben Michael

Nachbi ben Vafsi

Geuel ben Machi.

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Q: What was the name of israelites who spied on the promised land in the bible?
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