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Righteous Gentiles: chasidei umos haolam.

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Q: What was the name given to non Jews who helped save Jews?
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The war refugee board helped save thousands if Jews from where?

eastern europe

Who was the man who helped to save tens of thousands of Jews in Hungary in 1944?

Raoul Wallenberg. He issued them with Swedish documents.

How did Nicolaus Rossini help save Jews?

Like with others who helped jews, Rossini didnt liked hitlers ways and how he was treating certain people,so he retalitated and tried to free jews

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Irena Sendler helped Jewish children during WWII.

Who was a man who helped to save tens of thousands of Jews in Hungary in 1944 by creating special passports with the swedish seal granting immunity to those who helped them?

the man who saved tens of thousands of jews was Herman Hollerith.

Cousin of Esther who averted massacre of Jews?

Historians do not consider the Book of Esther to be a factual account, but the book tells of Mordacai, cousin of Esther, who helped save the Jews from a massacre.

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What did non-Jews do to save the Jews?

they took them to sweden where they where will be safe

Relate three insults that jesus suffered while he was hung on the cross?

The robber said if you are god save yourself and us, The Jews said he saved others but he can not save himself, he was given vinegar when he said he was thirsty.

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she helped save her husband and his troop with water that is how she got her name

What the most interesting facts about molly pitcher?

she helped save her husband and his troop with water that is how she got her name