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The Nestorians spread Christianity all the way across central Asia, reaching China by 635 CE. Political events in China and Mongolia, as well as the rise of Islam, reversed this.

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Q: What was the most powerful force to spread Christianity in Europe?
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How did the Roman Emperors spread Christianity?

They used force

In the age of exploration how was Christianity spread?

Through missions, and force.

Why did Christianity spread the most?

Christianity spread more than any other religion because it became the state religion of the Roman Empire. Because of this, Christianity was enforced throughout Europe, North Africa and much of the Middle East. Eventually, those who refused to be Christian were persecuted, tortured or killed.When Europeans spread out to found colonies in the New World, they took Christianity with them, often spreading it by military force.

Was the effect of spreading roman culture good?

Overall, yes, the spread of Roman culture was good as it was the civilizing force of most of Europe and north Africa.Overall, yes, the spread of Roman culture was good as it was the civilizing force of most of Europe and north Africa.Overall, yes, the spread of Roman culture was good as it was the civilizing force of most of Europe and north Africa.Overall, yes, the spread of Roman culture was good as it was the civilizing force of most of Europe and north Africa.Overall, yes, the spread of Roman culture was good as it was the civilizing force of most of Europe and north Africa.Overall, yes, the spread of Roman culture was good as it was the civilizing force of most of Europe and north Africa.Overall, yes, the spread of Roman culture was good as it was the civilizing force of most of Europe and north Africa.Overall, yes, the spread of Roman culture was good as it was the civilizing force of most of Europe and north Africa.Overall, yes, the spread of Roman culture was good as it was the civilizing force of most of Europe and north Africa.

Did the europeans force the Taino people into Christianity?

Most likely. Many third world civilizations were forced into Christianity by missionaries from powerful nations.

What remained a strong force in people's lives in Europe during the 18th century?


Is it true that missionaries may be the most powerful force in the spread of Christianity?

Missionaries have played a significant role in the spread of Christianity throughout history. Their dedication to spreading the message of Christianity, their cultural adaptability, and their ability to connect with people on a personal level have been influential factors. However, it is important to acknowledge that there are other factors, such as colonialism and geopolitical dynamics, that have also played a significant role in the global spread of Christianity.

In Europe during the middle ages the force that provided unification and stability was?

The church, more specifically the religion of Christianity.

In Europe during the middle ages the force that provided unification and stability was the?

The church, more specifically the religion of Christianity.

In Europe during the middle ages the force the provided unification stability was the?

The church, more specifically the religion of Christianity.

In Europe during the middle age the force that provided unification and stability was the?

The church, more specifically the religion of Christianity.

How was Christianity spread by force?

True Christianity has never been spread by force. Jesus indicated clearly and had the behavior to match that 'my kingdom is not of this world.' Those who use force are using worldly methods to spread a spiritual message and they are Christians in name only. Since true faith is matter of the heart, no amount of force can change a person's heart. Force can produce outward obedience for the sake of peace and because people may comply to avoid being harassed or killed, and may just want to get on with their lives. But inwardly their heart is more likely to be opposed to true faith. Those who spread what they called Christianity by force were thus not spreading true Christianity but a corrupted version, which bears little resemblance to the real thing. Jesus said 'you must be born again' not 'you must submit to our religion or die.'