The job of a medieval friar was to live not under a roof, but out in the open. They would beg for certain things as well since they weren't rich. In the Canterbury Tales, Chaucer portrays a friar as someone who tries to catch the summoner taking peoples money that is supposed to go to the church. Chaucer has a BIAS against Friar's in the actual middle ages.
Run the government.
To bake bread and cakes
Cleaning the stables.
to order people around
6 years old, it's medieval times
Yes, blacksmithing is a skilled job and they would be among the most valued workers in medieval times.
A Watchman was an official at a castle and was responsible for security.
In the middle ages, as today, a wainwright's job was to build wagons and carts out of wood.
The medieval soap maker was considered a serf or a peasant.
They Didn't Have Job, They Took Care Of Children And Cleaned.
The parson went to Canterbury on a pilgrimage to seek forgiveness, spiritual renewal, and to pay homage to Thomas Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury who was martyred in the cathedral. Pilgrimages were a common practice during medieval times, and Canterbury was a significant destination for Christians seeking spiritual guidance and blessings.
A squire in medieval times served as a knight's assistant, helping with tasks such as caring for the knight's armor and weapons, tending to their horse, and accompanying them into battle.