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The Catholic church helped influence Spanish colonization of the Philippines by building schools and mission hospitals. They were therefore able to reach to as many people as possible.

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Q: What was the influence of the catholic church in spanish colonization of the Philippines?
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What were the advantages and disadvantages of Spanish Colonization in the Philippines?

Spanish colonization of the Philippines brought the disadvantages of foreign diseases to the natives. Spanish colonization brought the advantages of wealth and technology to the Philippines.

Who challenged Spanish colonization efforts in the Philippines?

The French challenged Spanish colonization efforts in the Philippines as did many Filipinos themselves.

What is The motive of Spanish colonization in the Philippines?

The main motives of Spanish colonization in the Philippines were to convert the indigenous population to Christianity, exploit the natural resources and establish a trade route to China. Additionally, the Spanish aimed to extend their empire, increase their wealth and strengthen their global influence in the region.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of spanish colonization in the Philippines?

Advantages of Spanish colonization in the Philippines include the introduction of Christianity, establishment of a formal education system, and the influence of Spanish culture on language and traditions. Disadvantages include forced labor, suppression of local culture and traditions, and economic exploitation of resources.

What is the cultural influence of Spaniards to the Filipinos?

The cultural influence of Spaniards on Filipinos is significant, particularly in language, religion, and architecture. Spanish colonization introduced the Spanish language to the Philippines, resulting in many Spanish loanwords in Filipino languages. Catholicism became widely practiced in the Philippines due to Spanish missionaries, and many colonial-era churches and buildings still stand today, showcasing Spanish architectural influence.

Advantages of spanish colonization in Philippines?

Spanish colonization in the Philippines brought several advantages, including wealth and monetary prosperity. It also brought the advantage of improved technology to the area.

What nation has over 80 percent Catholic population making it the only Catholic country in Asia?

The Philippines is the country with over 80 percent Catholic population, making it the only predominantly Catholic country in Asia. The influence of Spanish colonization in the Philippines heavily contributed to the spread of Catholicism in the country.

When was the spanish influence extremely in the Philippines?

Spanish influence was extremely strong in the Philippines during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

When was the Spanish influence extremely strong in the Philippines?

Spanish influence was extremely strong in the Philippines during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

What are the spanish influences in the Philippines in terms of culture?

Spanish influences in the Philippines are evident in various aspects of culture, such as language (Tagalog has many Spanish loanwords), religion (predominantly Roman Catholic), architecture (Spanish colonial buildings), and cuisine (dishes like adobo and paella). The Spanish colonization lasting over 300 years has left a lasting impact on Filipino culture.

What is a pacifico?

A pacifico is a peaceful native in Cuba or the Philippines who did not oppose Spanish colonization.

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