

Best Answer

a poisonis apple

"poisonous" ...

The Bible does not state the type of fruit.

The answer given here is not the word meaning of the episode but a philosophical explanation when this episode is seen in view of the Indian Philosophy which was already mature and more than thousand year old when Lord Jesus was born.

Explanation: The Adam and Eve ate the fruit implies that they got involved in the fruits or results of their deeds and therefore were sent back on earth. This aspect is clarified in Bhagwat Gita (a kind of Indian Bible) that states that a person who intends to seek salvation should concentrate only on the deeds and not on its fruits or results. If he concentrates on the fruits of his deeds he will continue to have various desires and will be reborn to fulfill the balance desires in the next life.

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Q: What was the fruit that Adam and Eve bit?
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No, if they were blind then Eve would never has ate the fruit on the tree that satan was offering. Then adam and Eve wouldn't of disappointed God.

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I am guessing that you mean that when does it first appear, it is as a serpent. In the story of Adam and Eve, the serpent is the one that tries to deceive Adam and Eve into eating the forbidden fruit. He eventually convinces Eve to eat the fruit and Eve convinces Adam to eat the fruit as well. They then were made to leave the garden because of their disobedience to God.

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Adam was not there at the time the serpent tricked Eve, it was Eve that later came to Adam and said try it. That is the first record of the husband blaming the wife

What is the act of disobedience that the first man Adam and the first woman Eve committed against God?

In the story of Adam and Eve, the first act of disobedience committed by Eve was eating the fruit of the tree that God had commanded her not to eat from, due to Eve being tricked by the serpent. The first act of disobedience by Adam was eating the fruit that was offered to him by Eve.

What did Adam have one of and Eve had two?

Adam had one bite of the forbidden fruit, and Eve had two. Eve took the first bite during her conversation with the sinister serpent. She then reported the seeming decliciousness of the taste to Adam. Adam took a bite. Eve took her second bite in Adam's presence.

Where did you get life?

From Adam and Eve. Adam was the first person in the earth. And eve was the second. they multiplied. And do you know what? Eve, and Adam sinned(they ate the fruit of good and knowlege) because they sinned, that is why there is pain when women give birth.

Did Adam eve disobey god on the same day Adam was created?

It is my personal belief that Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden a long time before they ate the forbidden fruit.

What was Adam and Eve's first sin?

they ate a fruit off the tree