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Q: What was the farthest east that Islam reached under the first four caliphs?
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Who were the 4 famous Khalifas in Islam?

The first four Caliphs in Islam are regarded as the Khulfa-e-Rashidun or The Four Rightly Guided Caliphs. These caliphs are regarded as the most famous and comprise of Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Usman as well as Hazrat Ali.

What importance did Caliphs have in ancient times?

None. Caliphs came to power in the Medieval Period. As for the Medieval period, the Caliphs were the leaders of the Muslim Empires called Caliphates. The four first Caliphs were called the Rightly-Guided Caliphs and they also had some religious authority in Islam. Because of the barbarity of the Umayyad Caliphs, the religious authority left the Caliphs and vested in the local Imams. Religious authority would return to the Caliphs in the mid-1500s in the Ottoman Empire until Atatürk abolished the Caliphate in 1936.

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How many khalif's in Islam?

The first main 4 Caliphs (who are called the 4 orthodox caliphs) are:HAZRAT ABU BAKR SIDDIQUE (Raddi Allah Unho)The First Caliph of IslamHAZRAT UMAR FAROOQ (Raddi Allah Unho)The Second Caliph of IslamHAZRAT USMAN GHANI (Raddi Allah Unho)The Third Caliph of IslamHAZRAT ALI MURTZA (Raddi Allah Unho)The Fourth Caliph of Islam

What made the caliph (leader) of Islam so powerful What made the Pope so powerful What made the Byzantine patriarch so powerful What do all of these people have in common?

The Rashidun Caliphate was the first of the four major caliphates established after the death of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. It was ruled by the first four successive caliphs (successors) of Muhammad after his death in 632 CE (AH 11). These caliphs are collectively known in Sunni Islam as the Rashidun, ... However, after six months the group made peace with Abu Bakr and Ali ...

Who were Islam's first leaders?

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the four first caliphs (or Muslim rulers); namely Abou Bakr, Omar Ibn AlKhattab, Othman Ibn Affan, and Ali Ibn about Taleb.

Were the first four caliphs missionaries to Africa?

First 4 Caliphs were not missionaries to Africa , but many other companions of prophet were .

What do you call a leader in Islam?

The first Islam leader is prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) who conveyed God message to humanity and called people to Islam and conveyed to people the words of Quran as revealed to him by God. After prophet Muhammad death, Muslim leaders are called Caliphs, Imams, Sultans, Princes of believers. ...

What rulers followed the first four caliphs?

The Umayyad Caliphate came after the four Rightly-Guided Caliphs.

Who was the first kalifa of islam?

The 1st Caliph of the Islamic Empire after the Prophet Muhammad's (saw) death was Abu Bakr. Sunni: They believe that the first 4 Caliphs were the Rashidun Caliphs (Rightly Guided), and that they were the righteous Caliphs.Shi'a: They believe that Abu Bakr shouldn't have been the Caliph, as it should have been Ali ibn Abu Talib.I hope you got the answer you were looking for here!

What is the truth of the rightly guided caliphs?

The first Four Caliphs are termed "Rashidoon" the Rightful. The first two were the Fathers-in-Law of the Holy Prophet SAW and his closest friends and associates. The latter two were the Sons-in-Law of the holy Prophet SAW. The first three were agreed upon by all Muslims (Companions), the fourth Hazrat Ali RAU was disputed as he became Caliph in very disturbed days of Islam.

How were the Umayyads from the first four caliphs?

they ruled differently