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Henry, as the king, thought that he should appoint bishops in his kingdom. The pope felt that only the pope could appoint bishops. It is known as the investiture controversy.

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Q: What was the controversy between Henry IV and the pope?
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How was the conflict between the pope and VII and Henry IV resolved?

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He is most famous for the role he played in the Investiture Controversy with Henry IV.

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The term is the Investiture Controversy,

Why did Henry IV meet Pope Gregory VII at Canossa?

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It was a fight against pope greagory VII and henry IV over who gets to pick the bishops?

The conflict you are asking about is called the Investiture Controversy. There is a link below to an article on it.

Why did pope Gregory excommunicate emperor Henry iv?

Henry lV violated the pope's orders.

Who did Henry IV conflict with?

Pope Gregory VII

Who excommunicated Henry IV?

Pope Gregory VII

Why did Henry IV beg the pope for forgiveness?

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Who did the pope Gregory Vll clash?

. Emperor Henry IV

What was the problem between Pope Gregory and Henry VIII?

An argument went on between Gregory and Henry. This argument was on whether Henry or Gregory should choose the next Bishop. Gregory got rejected by the Roman's on whether he should pick the next Bishop because of Henry. So Gregory "Excommunicated" Henry. Henry then traveled to Italy to apologize to Gregory. Before Gregory forgave him Henry stood out in the snow for three days out side of Gregory's room.