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Q: What was the community of the faithful called in the Muslim world?
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A follower of Christianity is called a Christian.

What is an example sentence for Muslim?

The true Muslim faith teaches of charity, love and respect.The false Muslim faith teaches of war, violence and vengeance.Iraq is dominantly a Muslim country.

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Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim population over all world countries.

What is it called when a Muslim go to mecca?

A Muslim can go to Mecca at any time, but when Muslims around the world pilgrimage to Mecca together, it is called Hajj

How do you say please in Muslim?

First, there is no language in the world which is called Muslim. If you want to say " please" in Arabic, say: - raja-an or - men fadlek

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Old faithful is a geyser not a tree.... retard

Who is a French Muslim?

The Muslims are living almost in every country of the world. A Muslim living in France might be called a French Muslim. However, the besic beliefs of all Muslims irrespective of the country they are living in are the same.

When was World Muslim Congress created?

World Muslim Congress was created in 1949.

When was Muslim World League created?

Muslim World League was created in 1962.

What is the ISBN of Engaging the Muslim World?

The ISBN of Engaging the Muslim World is 0230607543.

What argument split Muslim world into two groups?

who is the true political leader of Muslim community after death of prophet? shia says it is Ali (PBUH) because prophet appointed him in ghadir event. sunni says it is AbuBakr because people agreed on him.

What argument split the Muslim world into two groups?

who is the true political leader of Muslim community after death of prophet? shia says it is Ali (PBUH) because prophet appointed him in ghadir event. sunni says it is AbuBakr because people agreed on him.