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They used to believe that they'd go underworld I know it was close the the river Styx and was believed to be run by the Greek god Hades one of the main gods. King of the Underworld.

You should know that there were different districts in the underworld:

Tartarus is a place of punishment for sinners. It resembles Hell and is the opposite of Elysium, the afterlife for the blessed.

Those who are no great sinners or blessed, stay in an indefinite area of Hades like shadows with no memories of life.

There were also underworld gods there ruled by the grim Hades, They where:

  • Charon - the ferryman of the dead
  • Cronus - King of Elysium
  • Erinyes - Goddess of vengeance
  • Hecate - Goddess of magic and ghosts
  • Hermes Chthonius - guide of the dead
  • Hypnus - God of sleep
  • Moirae - Goddess of fate
  • Nyx - Goddess of night
  • Persephone - Queen of the underworld
  • Thanatus - God of death

And of course Hades King of the underworld.

It was believed to be guarded by Cerberus A 3 headed dog owned by Hades.

Once in the underworld there was no taking out. Don't believe in that film Hercules. It is true that he went down to the Underworld but he didn't get anyone out!

Although no one has actually got anyone out Orpheus (or-fee-uss) was close to getting Eurydice (yoo-rid-ee-see) from the underworld

Orpheus and EurydiceEurydice stepped on a poisonous snake and was bitten in the foot. Hades, King of the underworld instantly sent death to collect her and by the time Orpheus, Eurydice's husband hared the news of his wife's death it was too late.

Orpheus was upset. He was determined not to give up when he decided to go to the underworld and get his wife.

When he got there Persephone immediately wanted to help, Hades finally gave in and called for Eurydice. There she was a grey ghost of Eurydice. Hades agreed to her being taken back up to the earth surface on the condition that he never looks back. Orpheus agreed to this and was taken up with Hermes.

They started walking up to the earths surface, they where very close when Orpheus just couldn't help but glance back, just to make sure that she was behind. He broke the deal and Eurydice was sent back.

Orpheus was upset and begged for a second chance but he was not given one.

He started sharing the story of his adventure. Eventually he was killed by a group of Thracian women and was taken over the river Styx and reunited with Eurydice where he was to be happy forever.

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Q: What was the afterlife like in Greek mythology?
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