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At first it was simply called "the Torah" itself.

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Q: What was judaism originally called?
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What is the empire of Judaism?

The land of Israel (originally called Canaan, and later called Judea).

Where was judaism originally practiced?


Where was judaism originally worshiped?

The middle east.

What is Judaism also called today?

Judaism is called Judaism.

What are the adherents called in Judaism?

They are called "Jews".

What 2 other world religions have used some of the beliefs of Judaism?

Islam and Christianity, they have the same belief that Judaism ha ORIGINALLY but the Judaism now is all changed and rearranged by humans

Where was judaism originally from?

The place now known as Israel, and some of the area around it.

Was the Queen of Sheba who dined with King Solomon a Jewess?

not originally but she converted to judaism.

What are follwers of judaism called?

People who practice Judaism are called Jews.

What cultures believe in judaism?

Followers of Judaism are called Jews.

What are the judaism worship church leaders called?

There are no churches in Judaism.

The Old Testament was originally a sacred book of this religion?

The Old Testament is sacred to Judaism