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Ezek:28:14: Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.

Ezek:28:16: By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.

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We find Satan's job in heaven in the book of Job and several Jewish midrashim of the common era. Satan was and, according to Jews, still is the assistant to God, tasked by God with testing the righteousness of the faithful.

It is only in Christian and Islamic belief that Satan is evil and that he was thrown out of heaven. One related tradition is that Satan was the chief musician in heaven.

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Does Satan has access to heaven?

Yes, according to Job Chapter 1, satan was there when the sons of god met.

Did job know of Satan?

Job did not know of the meetings of the angelic sons of God in heaven where Satan falsely accused him. (Job 1:7-12; 2:1-6) Job did not realize that his problems were actually caused by Satan. In fact, we cannot be certain that Job even knew the true identity of Satan! So he wrongly assumed that his problems were caused by God.

Who was in charge of the choir in heaven?

A Christian tradition says that Satan was the leader of the choir in heaven, before he was thrown out of heaven. On the other hand, Judaism gives Satan a completely different role, as shown, for example, in the Book of Job. Jews believe that Satan was the loyal assistant of God, tasked with testing the righteousness of the faithful, and that he still fills that heavenly role.

Who took Satan's job in heaven?

Though it is evident that Satan i.e Son of the Morning had some responsibility before he fell, the scriptures give no indication as to what they were. It neither gives any indication that someone replaced him. Knowing that the organization in heaven is perfect I assume that his position was filled.

To what does Satan say farewell?

Satan said farewell to Heaven when he challenged God.

Does Satan still have access to heaven?

Like any good detective a close study of the available references indicates that yes, the devil visits heaven, usually to allow god to mess with humans. In both Job1:6 (this is the story of how god crushes Job to win a bet with Satan) and 2 Chronicles 18:20-21 such visits are discussed.

What was Satan's wager with Job?

The wager was between God and Satan (Job 1:8-12) not between Satan and Job, who was the innocent bystander.

Was Satan named Michael in heaven?

it was lucifer.

How does Satan view heaven?

With envy & disdain.

What can hell offer Satan that heaven cannot?

A life of eternal fire and burning for Satan in hell.

Why are bad angels are in heaven?

There are no bad angels in heaven. The bad ones left with Satan after the great war in heaven.

Did Satan bow to Adam and Eve?

Many Muslims believe that Satan was thrown out of heaven because he refused to bow down before Adam. Christians believe that Satan was thrown out of heaven, but usually for other reasons. Jews believe that Satan is still in heaven as the loyal assistant to God. In this view he was never required to bow down before Adam and Eve.