Peter was originally named Simon. Jesus changed his name to Peter (or Cephas in Greek), which means "the rock". Peter's name was Simon Bar-Jonah, which means Simon son of Jonah (or John in Greek).
The plural for Peter is PETERS`
my last name is peters and i want to know what it means people make fun of me because its peters it sounds like pee in the first
the Torah
Van Pals
Cole Matthews.
Peter was originally named Simon but the named was changed by Our Lord when he declared him the leader of the new Church.
Pim Peters's birth name is Antoon Peters.
Cash Peters's birth name is Cashman Peters.
Red Peters's birth name is Peter Peters.
Revelation is the last book in the Bible.
Bengt Peters's birth name is Bengt Tore Peters.
House Peters's birth name is Peters, Robert House.