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Mary is not the mother of God as some in the Christendoms churches believe but she was chosen by God to be the mother of his son (Jesus Christ) in his earthly state (Luke 1:35). This does not in any way indicate that God wants Mary to be worshiped or to have a special position in the church. worship belongs only to our God Jehovah.

Mary was married to Joseph and had other children besides Jesus (Matthew 13:50-56)(Luke 8:19-21).

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Q: What was Mary of Magdala involvement in history of the church?
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I'm afraid that much of what you will read on her is NOT from Scripture. The only direct mention I know of Mary of Magdalene is in Luke 8:2-3. The rest is at best inferences or man-made attributes.

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Mary Magdalene is believed to have come from the town of Magdala, which is located near the Sea of Galilee in Israel. She is mentioned in the Bible as a devoted follower of Jesus Christ.

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Mary Magdalene is believed to have grown up in Magdala, a town on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee in present-day Israel.

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