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a worldly woman, she was married to a man of God, she has had opportunity to hear the word of God from her husband and from the church BUT she loved the world and refused to allow the WORD OF GOD to change her life. You can not serve 2 masters at the same time hence on her looking back she was turned to a pillar of salt.

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11y ago

Lot's wife is remembered for her disobedience and materialism. After being told by angels to escape from Sodom and NOT to 'look back', she DID look back(possibly 'longing' for what they'd left behind)and lost her life when she "became a pillar of salt."(Genesis 19:15-26)

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15y ago

Lots wife is only mentioned as 'wife' in Genesis. Lots wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt.

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(Maimonides and The Tur)

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The Bible does not tell us.

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Q: What was Lot's wife's name in Sodom and Gomorrah?
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