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Jesus spat on the ground made a clay and then applied it on the eyes , and told him to go and wash it out.

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Q: What was Jesus last healing of the blind?
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What is a healing story of Jesus?

Jesus healed the blind man as well as the lepers.

what is A Story of Healing?

Jesus healed the blind man as well as the lepers.

What is the historical context of Jesus' healing powers?

Jesus healed the paralytic, he healed the blind, the sick, the dead

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People can still be healed today by God through our faith in Jesus and our prayers.

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A Church is for anyone who wants to come and learn about God. In Church, they will Preach about the different things Jesus did. Example: Jesus healing a blind man.

Should Christians be healing?

This is wrong , as the last command of Jesus was to make disciples, and not heal. This should be done so as according to the bible all the world will bow andconfess that Jesus is the lord. They want know Jesus by healing.

Why did people considered the accounts of Jesus as the miracles in Jesus' times?

I don't think people considered the accounts of Jesus as miracles but the things Jesus did were certainly miracles. Healing the sick, blind and crippled etc are miracles in anybody's language

Will there be healing just before jesus' return?

Jesus' return will come without warning. Healing has nothing to do with Jesus' return.

What is the commission given to the disciple's by Jesus?

The commission given to the disciples, jesus last command was to go make disciples of people. Please note healing is not mentioned.

What is the reference for Jesus healing the blind begger?

The Bible accounts are found at: Mark10:46-52; Matthew 20:29-34; Luke 18:35-43

What happend to jesus in bethsaida?

I think it is the healing of the blind man, found in Mark chapter 8 verses 22 onwards

Where was Jesus heading after he healed blind bartameus?

Jesus was at the temple when he healed blind bartameus.