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They were extremely respectable Prophets of Almighty God.

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Q: What was Jesus Abraham and moses in the Muslim religion?
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What was the religion of prophet M uhammad?

He was Muslim as all God prophets including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus.

Is Jesus a Muslim?

Jesus was Jewish. The Islam religion did not originate until about 630 AD (founders were followers of Muhammad). Muslim, meaning submission to god. Jesus submitted to the same god as Abraham, Moses, Noah, Jacob and Muhammad.

Did the prophet mohamed found the Muslim religion?

Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) did only build on what other prophets like Jesus, Abraham, Moses and others have set.

Can you give me the chronological order of Moses David Jesus Paul and Abraham?

In chronological order, they are: Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, and Paul.

Who started judasim religion?

Abraham & Moses.

Who are all the Muslim prophethoods?

Muhammad (Peach be upon him) was the last and final messenger sent to mankind from God with the religion of Islam. Muslims also believe there were a lot of prophets before him including Jesus, Moses, Abraham and many many more. Save

Was the Muslim religion the first?

Muslim religion is Islam.Islam an Arabic word means Peace and submission to God, the one and only one God. God says in Quran that Islam was the basic mission of all His prophets since start of mankind, including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. In this sense, Islam is the first and the last.However, as the religions per Torah and Bible God revelation to prophets Moses and Jesus are called Judaism and Christianity, the religion per Quran God revelation to Prophet Muhammad, that started in year 610 AD, is called the very name Islam religion.

What religion are Abraham and moses are considered prophets?


What would a Muslim say about Jesus?

Muslims view Jesus as one of the five greatest God prophets (namely; Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad; peace be upon them). refer to question below for more information.

What Muslim means in English?

The nearest in meaning would be "One who has submitted to God".It has to be noted that the early followers of Abraham, Moses Jesus and such prophets of God were Muslims too that is , they had submitted themselves to God.So you see, the word Muslim in its true sense is much more encompassing than merely the Arabian religion of the 6th century.Simply, "Muslim" means a person who submits their will to god. A "Muslimah" is a female Muslim.

How did Judaism begin according to the Torah?

Judaism's roots are in the Hebrew religion of Abraham; and in the Israelite religion of Moses. According to tradition, "Judaism" as such began with the covenant between Abraham and God.

What are the prophets of the Islam religion?

Almost all the prophets of Judaism and Christianity like Prophets Ibrahim(Abraham),Yunus (Jonah), Adham(Adam),Musa (Moses) and Isa (Jesus).