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John the Baptist lived in the wilderness and went around baptizing people.

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15y ago

John was outstanding in the practice of faith, hope, charity, and fortitude.

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14y ago

John the baptist tought a few things, the main thing was to repent of your sins and make way for the messiah and be baptised in the Jordan.

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9y ago

Humility, abstinence, courage, love, charity, chastity, & justice.

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Q: What virtues did John the Baptist practice?
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There is no St. Joseph the Baptist, only John the Baptist

How did John the Baptist live demostrating christian virtues?

John the Baptist was not a Christian, as we typically think of Christians. John lived and died before Christ's death and resurrection, so he had no opportunity to become a Christian, per se. However, John the Baptist clearly lived a life exclusively dedicated to obedience to God, which is obviously a virtue Christians are commanded to exhibit.

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There is a St. John the Baptist but no St. John Paul the Baptist.

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John the Baptist was never married.

Who Baptisted John the Baptist?

Actually nobody did baptize John the Baptist.

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Why John the Baptist was very close to Jesus?

John the baptist then they are cousins.

Did saint Elizabeth mother of john the baptist practice any special virtues?

Elizabeth and her husband Zechariah were fine examples of faith and patience. They continued to serve God faithfully even though they had to wait on God, and their greatest blessings came only when they were well advanced in years. Yet, what blessings Elizabeth and Zechariah enjoyed! Under the influence of God's spirit, both of them prophesied. They were privileged to become the parents and instructors of the Messiah's forerunner, John the Baptizer. Moreover, God viewed them as righteous.

When did John Baptist Walsh die?

John Baptist Walsh died in 1825.

When was John Baptist Hogan born?

John Baptist Hogan was born in 1829.

When was John Baptist Grano born?

John Baptist Grano was born in 1692.

When did John Baptist Grano die?

John Baptist Grano died in 1748.