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Q: What version of the Bible does Joseph Prince use?
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Does presbyterians go by the King James Version of the Bible?

They use it but it is not the only version of the Bible they use.

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The Geneva Study Bible The Geneva Study Bible

What is the Bible that apostolic pentecostal study?

I am Apostolic Pentecostal and I use the Authorized King James version of the bible. I know of other Apostolic Pentecostal churches that also use this version of the bible as well.

Have Mormons translated the bible for themselves to arrive at a translation which support their beliefs?

Yes. Though it is not widely known or even used. The Mormons prefer to use a King James Bible. That said, the special version that existed at one time was a unique translation done by Joseph Smith Himself. Most of the changes between it and a regular King James can found in the book of Genesis.

What bible did christians use before 1611 king James version?

bishops bible

What version of the bible does the united church of christ use?

The New Standard Revised Version

What bible version does Presbyterian USA use?

New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

What bible version do Presbyterians use?

Not all Presbyterians use the same version of the Bible. Recently, the Presbyterian church that I attend switched from the New International Version (NIV) to the English Standard Version (ESV).

What religious groups use the NIV version of the bible?


What version of the Bible does Dr Charles Stanley use in In Touch Ministries?

New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Is the mormon Bible the same as the Christians Bible?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church") uses the King James Version of the Bible (for English speakers), with no changes to the text. The church does publish it's own version which includes cross-references with the Book of Mormon, but members are welcome to use any King James Version Bible. Mormons speaking other languages use whatever Bible version is available in their language. The King James Version of the Bible is the most common Bible for English speaking Christians. Other popular Bible versions are the New King James, New International Version, and Revised Standard Version. Mormons are welcome to use other versions of the Bible for their personal study, but the official Bible of the Mormon Church is the King James. You are welcome to read the Mormon version of the King James Bible online or order your own paper copy at the "Related Links" below.

What is the name of the Bible that Baptist use?

Some prefer only the King James Version. Some use the New King James and there are many who use the NIV. Other bible versions popular with some baptists are the New Living and the Holman Christian Standard Bible. All these version are enjoyable and each has it's advantages.