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Genesis 25:19-34, and Genesis ch.27.

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Q: What verse in the bible talks about esau and Jacob?
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In the Bible who was the older twin brother of Jacob?

Esau was the twin of Jacob. Some very interesting reading can be found in Genesis chapter 25 starting in verse 24 through verse 34 and then chapter 27 & 28. This is a partial story on Esau and Jacob.

What verse in the Bible talks about Isaac and Rebecca?

there children were Jacob and Esau. they were very differ and were fighting all through there life even in there mothers womb. Jacob ended up tricking his father into giving Jacob, Esau's blessing.

What bible verse talks about Issac Newton?

The Bible never talks about Issac Newton, scientist and theologian, who was born in 1642. The Bible does in fact give the story of Isaac, who was the only son Abraham and Sarah, and father of Jacob and Esau. This Isaac, according to the Hebrew Bible, was offered up by Abraham as a living sacrifice to God on Mount Moriah in the book of Genesis.

Who were the twins in the Old Testament of the bible?

Jacob and Esau

Who was Jacobs brother in the Bible?

Esau was Jacob's twin brother.

Jacobs in the Bible brothers name?

In the Bible, Jacob's brother's name was Esau. They were twin brothers, with Jacob being the younger of the two. Their story is found in the book of Genesis.

Jacob twin brother?

Jacob does not have a twin brother in the Bible. The closest figure to Jacob with a brother is Esau, who is his twin brother according to Genesis 25:24.

Were there twins in The Bible?

The Bible mentions Jacob and Esau. (Genesis 25:24-26)

Who is Jacob in Jacob have you loved?

Jacob isn't an actual character he is the person in the quote from the bible from Rebbecca Jacob and Esau's mother

Who was rebekkah's children in bible?

Jacob and Esau were Isaac and Rebekah's children.

In the Bible who cheats his brother out of the blessing?

Jacob cheated his brother Esau.

Who were the two twins of Isacc and rebekah?

Your are probably referring to Jacob and Esau. They were twins born to Isaac and Rebekah. God chose Jacob to continue the Hebrew (Israel) race and He rejected Esau. Esau became the "father" of the Edomite's. They would be distant cousins of Israel. To read of the fascinating story of Jacob and Esau see Genesis, chapter 27.