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Q: What type of lifestyle did Sufi's live?
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That depends on where you live and the type of lifestyle you have.

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Who are the gods and goddesses of Sufis?

Sufis are Muslims, hence, their God is Allah.

Difference between suffi and suni in Islam?

This is a false dichotomy. There are Sunnis who are Sufis and there are Sufis who are Sunnis. There are Sunnis who are not Sufis and there are Sufis who are not Sunnis. Being a Sunni means to follow the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his blessed sunnah. Being a Sufi means to be even more strict in following this sunnah in an effort to rectify yourself spiritually. Many people claiming to be Sufis are in fact, NOT Sufis if they deviate from the sunnah. Many popular scholars from the past and present have been Sufis. Ibn Taymiyyah, Imam Ghazali, etc. have all been Sufis and Sunnis.

What is lifestyle discrimination?

Lifestyle discrimination refers to discrimination against an individual based on their lifestyle choices, such as their diet, exercise routine, or personal habits. This type of discrimination can occur in areas such as employment, housing, or access to services because of judgments or biases related to an individual's lifestyle.

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What are the lifestyle diseases?

Lifestyle diseases are conditions caused by the way you live, rather than by infections or viruses. For instance, obesity is considered a lifestyle disease, as is type II diabetes. Some would also consider alcoholism and drug addiction to be lifestyle diseases, though it depends on your definition of the word disease.

What is the shiites lifestyle now?

they live like other people. no especial lifestyle.

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Type your answer here... What is an inactive lifestyle as defined in the "Heart Attack

Heart disease is and example of which type of disease infections or lifestyle?

Lifestyle disease