Adult, sane, healthy Muslims are required to fast from dawn (first light) to sunset every day in the month of Ramadan. Muslim fasting involves refraining from eating, drinking, and marital intercourse during the daylight hours.
There are numerous health as well as spiritual benefits to Islamic fasting.
when do Muslims know when to start and stop fasting
Christians do not have a fasting month, only Muslims do.
The holy month of Fasting on the Islamic calender is called "Ramadan"
Ramadan. The five pillars (for Sunni Muslims) include fasting, and Ramadan is the time of fasting. Shia Muslims have fasting as one of their practices rather than a pillar of faith.
from the age of puberty.
doing fasting
Muslims stop fasting when they can see the new moon that is the first day of next Islamic calendar month.
During the month of Ramadan fasting is compulsary for every adult muslim.
Yes Muslims can spit when fasting! I have!
The 9th month called Ramadhan, of the Islamic calendar is the whole moth of fasting for the Muslims.