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God is not mentioned in the book of Esther, not even once.

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Q: What two things was never mentioned in the book of Esther?
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Did Esther live before of after Nehemiah?

If Esther were in fact mentioned in the Book of Nehemiah, this could be supposed to prove her historicity, in spite of serious historical errors in the Book of Esther. However, the Book of Nehemiah never mentions Esther.

How many times the word God mentioned in the Book of Esther?

The word God is never mentioned in the Book of Esther. However, the additions to Esther, regarded by the Catholic Church as inspired although not original texts, mention the word 22 times.

In what chapter or verse is Esther mentioned in the bible?

You can read about Esther in the book of Esther in the Bible. It is my favorite book.

How many times is Esther mentioned in the Bible?

In the King James version (apart from the name of the Book of Esther) * The word Esther is mentioned 53 times * The word Esther's is mentioned 3 times

How did God protect Esther in the book of Esther?

A:The Book of Esther is not a religious book and does not even mention God. Biblical scholars regard it as a second-century-BCE Jewish novel, and historians say there never was either a Queen Vashti or a Queen Esther of Persia. We can therefore say that the book does not suggest that Esther relied on God for any assistance, and nor did she obtain divine assistance in history. Esther was able to overcome difficulties through her own talents, expressed in the book.

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In which book of the Bible is God not mentioned?

AnswerEsther and Song of Solomon

How many times is the word God mentioned in the book of Esther?


How many times is god mentioned in the book of Esther?

0 times!

Is there a verse in the Bible that says God is not mentioned in the book of Esther?

No. The knowledge of God not being mentioned comes from reading the book itself.

Where else in the Bible is Esther mentioned besides the book after her name?

She is not mentioned in any other writing in the Bible.

Who was the wife of Mordecai in the book of Esther?

He might've not had one at all - nothing was mentioned about Mordecai's wife in the Bible (rather, Esther).