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The important Islamic event that happened in year 622 AD is the Immigration (Hijra) of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from Makkah (Mecca) to Medina (both cities are currently in the country of Saudi Arabia). This immigration occurred as command from God when the unbelievers plotted to assassinate the prophet. This event marked the starting of the Islamic calendar that is called Hijra Islamic calendar.

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11y ago

The first, The holy prophet announced Ali (his son in law and cousin) as his caliph (as Allah had chosen him) to every one (18th of Thel Hajja) returning from his last hajj and commanded all Muslims to obey him.

The second was the death of prophet Muhammad and Saqifa (when some people decided not to do what prophet had told them, and chose a caliph they preferred!

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13y ago

Muhammad spread Islam across the Arabian Peninsula for more than 20yrs. He had begun to establish an Islamic Empire.

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12y ago

the first one was that Muhammad died and the second was that Abu-Bakr became the first Caliph, or "successor,"

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