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Q: What two features of Roman government that influenced the U.S. Constitution.?
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How has the roman influenced ou form of government in the US?

The ideals of the Roman Republic inspired the writers of the American Constitution.

What heavily influenced the roman way of life and government?

The Roman way of life and government was influenced by mos majorum (the ways of the ancestors); that is, tradition. The way of life of the Roman elites was also influenced by the Greeks.

What describes the government of the roman republic?

Their form of government has influenced the democratic governments of today.

How did the roman government influence the US government?

The Roman Republic influenced American Government. They let Roman men to vote for leaders, like how America votes for the president or Congress.

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What system of government did America base its constitution?

America based it's Constitution on a republic system of government where each person does not get a vote on every action, but has a representative who is supposed to vote for them. They were influenced by the idea of a "social compact" as discussed by John Locke and also by English common law and the Roman Republic.

What is the legacy of roman law?

The U.S. government adopted several features of the Roman Republic.

What geographical features influenced the Roman empire?

They were really spread out so they had trouble controlling their people.

Who was the roman leader who influenced both octavian and the future writers of the united states constitution?

mark antony

Who was the roman leader who's ideas influenced both Octavian and the future writers of the US Constitution?


Who was the roman leader whose ideas influenced both octavian and the future writers of the US constitution?


What aspect of roman culture influenced future civilizations?

architecture Government, their way of life basically.