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They both warship something. Hindu's worship Giant f***ing elephants, and christians worship a giant space man in the sky...

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Q: What two differences between Hinduism and Christianity what is one similarity?
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How is Hinduism similar to christianity?

There are many differences and some similarities between Christianity and Hinduism. the similarities include:Both teach high moral valuesBoth have a godhead that actually consists of three gods in one - For Christianity, God the Father, Jesus and the holy GhostFor Hinduism, Brahma, Shiva and Vishnuboth have demons, usually as symbols of evilIn Hinduism there are many hells In Christianity there is only one hell, but the Catholic Church also teaches purgatory and limbo.

How is Hinduism and buddhism similar?

There is no similarity between Buddhism and Hinduism though both of them are originated from India. Main difference is Hinduism believes in existence of God while Buddhism dont.

What are 8 differences between Hinduism and Christianity?

Hinduism teaches Artha (material prosperity) Kāma (enjoyment) Moksha (liberation) Nirvana (Liberation) The Law of Cause and Effect (karma) Reincarnation (punarjanma) Incarnation (avatāra) via vedas Mahabharata Ramayan and belief India God and Goddess. While Christianity do not teach this.

What are disagreements within Hinduism?

There are differences between Shaivas and Vaishnavas.

How the similarities and differences between the wisdom and the faith modes of Hinduism?

The similarity in both modes is the ultimate goal of Hinduism: liberation from reincarnation. The differences are how they achieve that goal. Wisdom mode was more philisophical and believed that liberation would come through aestheticism and meditation. The faith mode believed that a divine being would reach down and free them from the cycle.

What is 1 similarity between Christianity Judaism and Islam?

they are both monotheistic religions

A simalarity between Christianity and hundus?

Hinduism & Christianity are similar because even though Hinduism has lots of different Gods, they all come together to make one God.

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That it have cell

What are the simmilarities between the religions Hinduism Buddhism and Christianity?

they're all a load of bull ^_____^

What is the difference and similarity between air and mud?

Similarities' Both are matter. Differences: Density

What are some obvious differences between Christianity and Islam?

There are a few very obvious differences between Christianity and Islam. They follow different holy books and also have different names for their God.

Thesis statement for Hinduism and Buddhism essay?

Okay, you should first check the differences between Hinduism and Buddhism. Wikipedia is a good start to.