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The two countries with the highest population of Jews are Israel and the United States. Israel has 6,180,300 Jews, while the United States has 5,425,000 Jews.

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Israel and the United States.

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Q: What two countries currently have the highest Jewish population?
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What percent of Jews were killed in Europe?

About 78% of the Jews in the occupied or war impacted parts of Europe were killed in the Holocaust (also called The Shoa). In some countries, such as Poland and Lithuania, 90% of the Jews died or were killed.

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What state in the united States has the highest population of Jewish citizens?

New York.

What state has the highest concentration of Jewish people in America?

New York has the highest concentration of Jewish people in America, particularly in the New York City area, which has a large Jewish population.

What country during had the highest Jewish population when World War 2 began?

Poland. Just before the start of World War 2 Poland had a Jewish population of about 3.3 million.

How many Jewish people are there in England?

The number of Jews in the UK is estimated at about 350,000. (This figure relates to members of Jewish congregations). According to their 2001 Census, which is the most recent data available, the total population of England is approximately 49,138,831, of which Jewish people comprise only .3% of the population, or 147,416 people. About 58% of the Jewish population lives in London, with the highest concentration in the Barnet area, at 14.8%. Although the next census is not due until 2011, the UK believes the Jewish population is increasing in its individual countries.

What state in the US has the highest population of Jewish citizens?

That would be New York followed by California.

Were do Jewish people live now?

The United States, Israel, and Russia have substantial Jewish populations, and many other countries have some Jewish population.

Which region has the most Jews?

Israel has the highest population of Jews in the world, with a significant Jewish population also residing in the United States.

What major nationality is judaism?

If you're asking which nation has the highest Jewish population, the answer is almost certainly Israel with around 5,373,000 Jews (2007 Annual Assessment, Jewish People Policy Planning Institute). The same survey puts the Jewish population of the USA at 5,275,000 - however, some other surveys put the US Jewish population higher than that of Israel.France has the third highest with 490,000; then Canada with 374,000; then the United Kingdom with 275,000.

What are the Jews countries?

While most Jews live in the USA, they only make 2 % of the population. In Israel, 77 % of the population is Jewish.