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working on the sabbath day

and being with a gentile

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Q: What two accusations were brought against Jesus when he healed the man at the pool?
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What two accusations were brought against Jesus when he healed the man at the pool of bethesda?

The main complaints the Jews had against Jesus were that he 1. healed the man on a sabbath day 2. claimed God was his father. (John 5:15-18)

Mention the accusations made against Jesus before the high priest?

Jesus was accused of blasphemy by the Jewish leader

Why were the Jews angry that Jesus healed a lame man?

They were angry as Jesus healed him on a sabbath.

Where was Jesus heading after he healed blind bartameus?

Jesus was at the temple when he healed blind bartameus.

Jesus healed a woman?

Yes Jesus healed a woman, in Matthew chapter 9.

Who are the 3 people that Jesus healed and how?

Jesus healed the ten lepers, he raised Lazarus from the dead, he also healed blind Barth-emus.

What is the historical context of Jesus' healing powers?

Jesus healed the paralytic, he healed the blind, the sick, the dead

Who was jairus in the Bible?

A Synagogue ruler who's daughter was healed by Jesus.

When was Mary Magdalene healed by Jesus?

Mary Magdalene had demons in her but jesus healed her, in the book of Luke, she was his disciple after that.

Where did jesus heal most people?

Jesus healed the people who asked him to heal them, and as long as they asked in faith , they were healed at once.

What did the Romans fear about Jesus of nazareth?

The Romans did not fear Jesus. He was a preacher in a small corner of their vast empire and did not know much about him. The Roman procurator of Judea actually tried to defend Jesus from the accusations which were levied against his by the Jerusalem elite.

What were the false charges brought against jesus by the religious leaders?

They falsely charged Jesus of blasphemy. Mark 14:64