The tree used by Noah to make is ark ,was the cypress tree.
Noah obeyed God.
Example sentences using "ark" include these: Several expeditions have searched for Noah's ark in recent years. One photo that supposedly is of Noah's ark shows part of a wooden structure sticking out from the ice on the side of a mountain. Noah supposedly loaded his ark with two of every animal. The students made a model ark of soft balsa wood which promptly became water-laden, thus sinking their ark.
Pitch was used to caulk Noah's ark, according to Genesis 6:14. Noah was told to use good timber in the building of the ark. Everything was to covered with pitch inside and out. Such meticulous attention to the caulking would have protected the ark from water leaking or pooling.
It was gopher wood.
what tools did the aboriginal people use to build their homes
It was measured in cubits (about 18 inches).
it uses figurative language but it also uses literal language
No animal on Noah's Ark had money since animals do not know how to use money. In fact, there is no discussion of money in the Bible before Abraham proposes to the Hittites that he wishes to buy the Cave of Machpelah outright, almost ten chapters after the Noah story.
Yes It is but acts as the ticket and security centre. The ride is no longer in use.
People use construction tools to construct and build things.