This is from the Vatican Information Service (VIS) and was issued on February 26, 2013. Please note that the Holy Father is NOT retiring, he has renounced the chair of Peter, that is very different from "retiring."
Vatican City, 26 February 2013 (VIS) - Benedict XVI will be "Pontiff emeritus" or "Pope emeritus", as Fr. Federico Lombardi, S.J., director of the Holy See Press Office, reported in a press conference on th final days of the current pontificate. He will keep the name of "His Holiness, Benedict XVI" and will dress in a simple white cassock without the mozzetta (elbow-length cape).
Yes, he frequently used the pope mobile.
Pope Benedict XVI restored the use of the red papal shoes, which were provided by his personal cobbler, Adriano Stefanelli. Pope Francis prefers simple brown shoes and does not wear the red.
Very few popes have had sexual relationships with mistresses and Benedict is not one of them.
Pope Benedict XVI restored the use of the red papal shoes, which were provided by his personal cobbler, Adriano Stefanelli. So far, Pope Francis has chosen to wear normal black shoes. If he has a preferred cobbler, he has not yet released the name.
When it comes at the beginning of a sentence, it is combined with the name, used as an honorific or title, yes. * Popes have lived in Vatican City for centuries. * Pope Peter was the first pope. * I read about Pope John Paul, III. * The Pope (a particular individual) discussed the duties of the office of the pope (no specific pope).
His honor or Your honor is the proper salutation for a retired judge. The use of the word judge in title and introductions is not used after retirement.
The conclave of cardinals that elects the pope are secret so we will never know what was said right after the election of Benedict. We do the first word he said as Pope was "I accept" as he needed to accept the office and the second would be "Benedict" as he was asked which name he would use.
Recently the Pope has expressed his views on condoms. He has said that in some instances it may be appropriate for people to use them to stop the spread of HIV.Pope Benedict XVI agrees that condoms can be justified to stop the spread of AIDS.
The first Pope was St. Peter the Apostle. The current Pope is Josef Ratzinger, who took the name Benedict XVI when he became Pope. He is the 265th Pope. The word "Pope" is derived from the Greek word pápas (which could refer to any Bishop). This word is itself derived from páppas, which means "father." Many languages use the word "papa" instead of "pope."
One There are five, two of which use the title,the Bishop of Rome and the Bishop of Alexandria. The Bishop or Rome asserts primacy of the universal church however the other four main apostolic thrones reject the assertion. Pope Shenouda III, Bishop of Alexandria and Patriarch of all Africa. Pope Benedict XVI, Bishop of Rome. Bartholomew I, Archbishop of Constantinople New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch. Ignatius Zakka I Iwas, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East.
He wants the Church to make more frequent use of the Latin Mass and has told bishops that they can not forbid the Latin Mass in their Diocese and must encourage its use.
No, the honorary title emeritus can be used for both men and women. It is typically given to individuals who have retired from a position but are still allowed to use their professional title as a mark of respect for their contributions.