

Best Answer

I think you're referring to the Four Noble Truths:

  1. Suffering exists.
  2. Craving is the cause of suffering.
  3. If you eliminate craving, you eliminate suffering.
  4. You can eliminate craving and thereby suffering by following the Noble Eightfold Path.
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Q: What three nobles were taught by Buddha?
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the eightfold path is the path that Buddha taught.

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No, the Vedas are ancient sacred texts in Hinduism, while the Buddha was the founder of Buddhism. The teachings and beliefs found in the Vedas are different from those taught by the Buddha.

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The three religious belief systems are buddhism, confucianism, and neo-confucianism. They are taught by Buddha and Confucius.

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Buddhism began about 2500 years ago. Buddha means Enlightened One. The name was given to a prince named Siddhartha Gautama. Buddha taught for 45 years the Three Universal Truths, Four Noble Truths, and The Eightfold Path.

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No one. They were not educated. Only the nobles.

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I'm not sure what you mean by 'save', but buddha taught Buddhism to many people and how to meditate, become enlightened etc.

Why is Buddha teaching the eightfold path?

Buddha taught the Eightfold Path so that people could stop being reincarnated into more suffering.