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Baghdad, Cairo, and Damascus

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Q: What three major Muslim cities were on trade routes from the mediterranean?
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What three major cities were on trade from the Mediterranean?

Baghdad, Cairo, and Damascus

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The Mediterranean Sea. The Black Sea. The Aegean Sea.

What were the major trade routes Muslims traders traveled?

Historically, Muslims bridged the trade routes between Europe and Asia, especially in moving spices from India and Indonesia to the Mediterranean Coast.

what is the big Muslim cities?

Major islamic cities popolation wise are; Makkah, Madina in Saudi Arabia Islamabad and Lahore in Pakistan.

What was the major effect of the fall of of Constantinople to the ottoman Turks in 1453?

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What were two major sea-trading networks of the Muslim empire?

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What are the trade routes for mesopotamia?

Mesopotamia had several important trade routes. The two most prominent were the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, which served as major waterways for transporting goods and connecting cities. The Silk Road, an ancient network of trade routes connecting the East and West, also passed through Mesopotamia, allowing for the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures between different civilizations. Additionally, caravan routes connected Mesopotamia with regions like the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean, and Central Asia.