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Act with integrity; earn other people's trust; justify respect for your willingness to help others and ignore unintended slights.

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Q: What things do you do to be honourable?
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Honourable Mandarossa

Who are the Canadian senators?

Senators are Canadians who are at least thirty years old, having at least $4000 of property, appointed to the Senate by the Governor General on the advice of the prime minister. Canadian senators review bills passed by the elected House of Commons, and pass them, reject them, or suggest amendments to improve legislation.

Who are the senators that represent Ontario in the Canadian Government?

You could mean one of three things here:There is only one senator who is a minister of the current Government of Canada:Senator the Honourable Marjory LeBreton, Leader of the Government in the SenateThere are twenty-four senators who represent the people of Ontario in the Senate:Senator the Honourable Marjory LeBreton, P.C. (Conservative)Senator the Honourable Lowell Murray, P.C. (Pakenham) (Progressive Conservative)Senator the Honourable David Smith, P.C. (Cobourg) (Liberal)The Honourable Senator David Braley (Conservative)The Honourable Senator Consiglio Di Nino(Conservative)The Honourable Senator Nicole Marie Eaton(Conservative)The Honourable Senator Doug Finley (Ontario-South Coast) (Conservative)The Honourable Senator Linda Frum (Conservative)The Honourable Senator Irving Gerstein(Conservative)The Honourable Senator Vim Kochhar (Conservative)The Honourable Senator Michael Meighan(Conservative)The Honourable Senator Nancy Ruth (Cluny) (Conservative)The Honourable Senator Bob Runciman (Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes) (Conservative)The Honourable Senator Hugh Segal(Kingston-Frontenac-Leeds) (Conservative)The Honourable Senator Mac Harb (Liberal)The Honourable Senator Colin Kenny (Toronto) (Liberal)The Honourable Senator Art Eggleton (Liberal)The Honourable Senator Frank Mahovlich (St. Mary's) (Liberal)The Honourable Senator Jim Munson (Ottawa-Rideau Canal) (Liberal)The Honourable Senator Marie-Paule Poulin (Northern Ontario) (Liberal)The Honourable Senator Vivienne Poy (Toronto) (Liberal)The Honourable Senator Peter Stollery (Bloor-Yonge) (Liberal)The Honourable Senator Anne Cools (Toronto Centre-York) (no party association)There are twelve senators who represent the Government party in the Senate:Senator the Honourable Marjory LeBreton, P.C. (Conservative)The Honourable Senator David Braley (Conservative)The Honourable Senator Consiglio Di Nino(Conservative)The Honourable Senator Nicole Marie Eaton(Conservative)The Honourable Senator Doug Finley (Ontario-South Coast) (Conservative)The Honourable Senator Linda Frum (Conservative)The Honourable Senator Irving Gerstein(Conservative)The Honourable Senator Vim Kochhar (Conservative)The Honourable Senator Michael Meighan(Conservative)The Honourable Senator Nancy Ruth (Cluny) (Conservative)The Honourable Senator Bob Runciman (Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes) (Conservative)The Honourable Senator Hugh Segal(Kingston-Frontenac-Leeds) (Conservative)

Which leaders of opposition were once in the Labor Party?

Leaders of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition under the Labor Party have been:The Honourable Chris WatsonThe Right Honourable Andrew FisherThe Honourable Frank TudorMr. Matthew CharltonThe Right Honourable James ScullinThe Right Honourable John CurtinThe Right Honourable Ben ChifleyThe Right Honourable H. V. Evatt, Q.C., K.St.J.The Right Honourable Arthur CalwellThe Honourable Gough Witlam, A.C., Q.C.The Honourable Bill Hayden, A.C., K.St.J.The Honourable Bob Hawke, A.C., G.C.L.His Excellency the Honourable Kim Beazley, A.C.The Honourable Simon Crean, M.P.Mr. Mark LathamThe Honourable Kevin Rudd, M.P.

What has the author Right honourable aristocrat written?

Right honourable aristocrat. has written: 'A letter from a right honourable aristocrat, to the Right Honourable William Pitt'

When was The Honourable Jim created?

The Honourable Jim was created in 1924.

When was An Honourable Murder created?

An Honourable Murder was created in 1960.

When was The Honourable Schoolboy created?

"The Honourable Schoolboy" was created in 1977 by John le Carré.

What is verb of honourable?

Well I am not really a English genius but that much i know. Honourable verb is honouring.

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Honourable Mandarossa Honourable Mandarossa

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A Fairly Honourable Defeat was created in 1970.

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Anyone could be the most honourable person, including you