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There is almost nothing that science, technology and human ingenuity is incapable of killing. If it lives, someone will figure out a way to kill it it. Society has placed limits on what is acceptable, but each society sets their own standards. Swatting a fly is forbidden by certain cultures, squashing a bug, mites, ants aphids, mosquitoes, tics and bedbugs is routinely accepted by most societies, and the majority of the world does accept killing of animals for food. Modern societies actively see out a variety of germs and microbes for destruction. Kill only what is advantageous to your society and your moral code. Kill only to preserve human life sounds like a good concept. Self defense issues require a certain defenition. Cannabalism is probably wrong in most social groups, but it has a long and revered following among a small minority of societies, and is accepted without condemnation by others. No one can kill faith, dreams, hope, integrity, loyalty, love, honor and spirit. Life is revered by many, and human life is respected by most. Hunting should not be reviled because it sustains life for many. Sports huntings does an important part in protecting and preserving many endangred species and to improve the economy of some impoverished nations. Some people will kill any snake they see, although they also have their place in the ecosystem. No living thing holds a passport to existence on this Planet, and many species have been lost through extinction or exploitation. One of the finest of the Native American Plains Indians, the Arapahoe, have always held that Only the Rocks Live Forever.

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