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monotheistic or monothiesm. The term 'mono' being Latin meaning 'one' and 'theism' God.

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Q: What term describes best the belief in one god?
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What terms describes the belief in one god?

monotheistic or monothiesm. The term 'mono' being Latin meaning 'one' and 'theism' God.

Monotheism describes the Jews' belief that their God what?

is the only god.

What best describes monotheism?

Ethical monotheism is the belief that there is one God and that this God's primary concern, when it comes to people, is that we behave ethically at all times.

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The government of iran today is based on islamic law. What term best describes a government based on religion?

The term that best describes a government based on religion is called a Theocracy (Theo meaning God).

What term refers to the belief in the existence of god's or some type of supreme being?

The general term is "theism." Monotheism is the belief in a single God, while polytheism is the belief in more than one individual god (such as the Greek pantheon).

Worship or belief in plurality of gods?

The term for this is polytheism, as opposed to monotheism which is belief in one God.

What is the Arabic term for believing in one god?

The Arabic term for believing in one god is "Tawhid". It refers to the concept of monotheism, the belief in the oneness of God in Islam.

Which term refers to the belief in the existence of god(s) or some type of supreme being?

Theism is the term that refers to the belief in the existence of a god or some type of supreme being.

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What is meant by the term atheism?

It means the absense of belief in god or gods.

Which best describes the religion of Egypt?

Mainly polytheism, or the belief in many gods, but some groups of people mainly focused their religon on one god